Monday, May 25, 2009

Upcomming Magazine

Victoria Beckham is featured in the upcomming Booty Pop Weekly magazine for the best dressed category. This photograph of her was recently concidered to be a horrible outfit, but I and the staff of Booty Pop Weekly agree that it is indeed a new fashion statement of bright flashing neon colors. The rest of the magazines fail to realize the true beauty of this outfit. But that is just what Posh is all about.
Our spokesperson who will also be appearing on the cover of this weeks Booty Pop is the beautiful Rachel Ray. She was chosen because of her wonderful show, delicious recipes, and stunning appearance. I'll leave that picture for you to see on the magazine so that all the surprises aren't released.
Something else that is also going to be included in the next issue is the "Fassion Police" section, where we show the worst possible outfits that people were caught wearing in public. I'll give a sneek peak of that on my next post, which will be either tomorrow or wednesday. Have fun reading my next post and tell me how you felt about Victoria's outfit and Rachel Ray being the next woman on the cover by calling or texting my cellphone a.k.a. The Booty Pop Hotline.


  1. I agree Posh pushes the envelope. What does BPW think about Lady Gaga?

  2. Lady Gaga tends to wear outrages things, which we here at BPW think is genius. And, even though some her lyrics are a bit provocative, in our eyes she has great stye. Thanks for the qustion Jules!
